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正規聲明函2023-06-08 09:00:30


















Management Statement on Export Control Compliance


Date: June 7, 2023

To: All Directors, officers and employees

Subject: Management Statement on Export Control Compliance

As a Chinese company, Advanced Micro Semiconductors Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "AMSFAB" or the "Company"), has been committed to complying with applicable laws and regulations related to export control and economic sanctions. The Company actively promotes export control compliance practices and conducts business activities in accordance with laws and regulations.


AMSFAB understands that compliance is essential to develop business and to earn the trust of business partners. AMSFAB management team attaches great importance to the compliance of export control and economic sanction, and therefore commits to continuously coordinate and invest sufficient resources to ensure that all of AMSFAB 's commercial activities are in compliance with the applicable export control and economic sanction laws, regulations and policies. Hence, AMSFAB has established an export control compliance system covering all aspects of its business and will continuously improve the system.


AMSFAB and all of its employees understand that a violation of export control and economic sanction laws and regulations would result in material negative impacts and adverse consequences to the Company, including, but not limited to, criminal or civil investigation, listing on the restricted list and etc., and may also cause material damages to the goodwill and corporate image of AMSFAB. The company undertakes to strictly comply with the applicable export control and economic sanction laws and regulations and to demand that all of its employees strictly comply with the foregoing laws and company's export control compliance management system, and not to participate in, commit or assist in the commission of any violations of laws or regulations under any circumstances.


AMSFAB believes that compliance with the required applicable export control and economic sanction laws and regulations is of vital importance to the long-term growth of the Company's business and is willing to actively undertake the corresponding compliance obligations. Meanwhile, the implementation of compliance depends on the participation of all business partners. AMSFAB hopes that all the business partners will fully realize, support and fulfil the compliance obligation together with AMSFAB to ensure the fruitful business cooperation.


All ASMFAB employees or business partners are kindly requested to contact with us via jubao@cheapjordan4au.com shall they have any questions or comments concerning the compliance.





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